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September 25, 2004
Bush insults Americans' intelligence - again
George W Bush has no respect for the American people. He says absolutley anything and just plods along. I seriously believe the man has little ability and even less desire to distinguish between truth and fiction. The neo-conservatives pushing him along have contributed to Bush's lack of critical thought.
Well, his latest incredible statement came yesterday, when he stated that he's heard that "the right-track wrong-track in Iraq was better than here in America". Well, Mr Bush, if you believe that Iraq has a better future than America, by all means do not stick around here on our account. Good-bye!
Watch the short video of the latest ridiculous statement from Bush.
September 25, 2004 in Iraq | Permalink
Talk about bad journalism.
Sure, President Bush said something to that affect but let's analyze the ACTUAL QUOTE:
"I saw a poll that said the 'right track-wrong track' in Iraq was better than here in America"
To which he was referring to the fact that more Iraqis think their country is heading in the direction than Americans think the US is heading in the right direction.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the best choice of words but it wasn't exactly the worst choice of words either (when you don't expunge what you want from the quote, pulling it out of context of a much larger news story, and calling it fact).
What you just did in this post is quite Dan Rather-ish.
Posted by: Chris Short | Sep 25, 2004 12:35:12 PM
Oh, please. The Dan Rather reference is pathetic. Notice that the Bush campaign will jump on ANYTHING except the real issues. So let's focus on issues for a moment.
Bush LIED to the world about the reason he invaded Iraq. This was not a lie about oral sex, like with Clinton. This was lying to start a WAR for greed and for power, and now our children's children will be paying off the debt, and 15,000+ people have DIED due to Bush's lies. I've got family fighting over there, so this really pisses me off! When we all finally realized that there were no WMDs, that Saddam and Osama were NOT pals (in fact, they were bitter enemies, with Osama a religious fanatic, and Saddam a secular dictator), when it was discovered that Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11/2001 ...Bush and his crew just changed the story...over and over. Now I think they're saying that we're there to "liberate" the Iraqis - sorry about killing 13,000 civilians. Oops. Collateral damage, you know. Even Kofi Annan, who has not always been the quickest to point out injustice (witness the genocides in Rwanda and Sudan) - has labeled this an illegal war.
Bush LIED to the US Congress, and so should not only be impeached, but should be in prison.
Let's talk about more of Bush's lies and misleadings. He tells folks that the Estate Tax - which he always refers to as the "death tax" - is "a bad tax". What he doesn't tell folks is that ALL of the benefits of repealing that tax are realized by 2% of the populace. If he wants to truly be the nice moral guy he pretends to be, he'd level with folks on the effects of the tax benefits he pushes through for the elite. He sure as hell is not a conservative! No self-respecting conservative with half an economic mind would push and push for tax cuts during a war! Is he mad? When the country needs to go to war, that is incredibly serious, and is a time for national sacrifice to meet the needed goal.
Or we could talk about "No Child Left Behind". Yup, sounds great and noble. Yet in every fiscal year since NCLB became law, Bush's budget has fallen $6-7 billion short of the funding obligations set forth in the bill.
How about the environment. Bush claims to be an environmental president. Well, looking at toxic wastes, the Superfund has gone from $3.8 billion to a shortfall of $175 million. The result is fewer cleanups, slower cleanups, and a toxic mess left for our children.
Bush is a master at deception - stating things in a manner that leads folks to believe a non-truth - without clearly stating the actual lie. One example: his speech at the RNC, when he said, "We knew Saddam Hussein's record of aggression and support for terror. We knew his long history of pursuing, even using, weapons of mass destruction. And we know that September the 11th requires our country to think differently." He didn't state directly that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11...but by putting those two UNRELATED topics together, he is attempting to get folks to THINK that they are related.
Bush is a greedy, immoral and dishonest man, who will stop at absolutely nothing to further the interests of himself and his cronies.
Posted by: Joe Litton | Sep 26, 2004 12:26:13 AM
Actually, I saw on one of the blogs I read (Atrios? Daily Kos?) that the source of the statistic to which W referred was an RNC-funded organization - not exactly a professional (sic) polling outfit.
I'm happy to report that, driving a round trip from Portland to Corvallis today, I saw innumerable Kerry bumber-stickers, and only one BC04 (young guy with short haircut and simian features).
Posted by: Dr. Lavine | Sep 27, 2004 12:53:53 AM
If you want to focus on issues, Joe, then why post this?
Posted by: Chris Short | Sep 29, 2004 5:06:50 AM
Chris, Look, it's obvious that you support Bush. You're going to argue with anything that anyone posts if it makes your boy look bad (so you've a busy guy). In this case, the point is that by mentioning the poll, Bush is implying that he agrees with it, or at least wants OTHERS to believe it. But you knew that. It's JUST like his RNC speech (and many other times) mentioning Saddam and Sept 11 in adjacent sentences, IMPLYING that there's a connection. Sheesh! You didn't really MISS that did you?
Posted by: Joe Litton | Sep 29, 2004 6:59:05 AM
You assume too much, Joe. Yes, I do support President Bush. However, I'm not a Republican party zombie either.
It's easy to make a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq. It's difficult to make the leap to a connection between Iraq and 9/11 (but I'm not ruling out a possible connection).
As far Bush implying he agrees with the poll; considering he didn't specifically SAY he agrees I can't ASSUME that he does or doesn't agree with it. A statement is a statement. I already said that President Bush's statement wasn't exactly well put but I never would think that someone would take the statement as George Bush agreeing that Iraq is better off than the US.
Here's an idea, Joe. E-mail me five to ten reasons why you support Senator Kerry and I'll e-mail you five to ten reasons why I support President Bush (neither one of us debating at the point, just stating reasons). Once we both have each other's e-mails we'll both blog both sets of reasons. Then, in a separate post we can debate (or refute, however you want to do it) each other's reasons one by one. We can go back and forth until the election. This also allows a large population to weigh in on the topics we discuss. Keeping a level head is crucial, of course, and I think both of us can do that.
Let me know what you think.
Posted by: Chris Short | Sep 29, 2004 8:31:12 AM
Chris, GREAT suggestion! I've been rather dismayed that so far, when I've asked folks who say they're voting for Bush WHY they plan to do so - all these folks have offered have been very general statements (e.g., "He seems like a regular guy"), or they are one-issue voters (anti-abortion). I've been wanting to find someone willing to truly discuss things. If I get done with work early enough (last night was about 8:30) - I'll email you my list. Thanks for the idea.
Posted by: Joe Litton | Sep 29, 2004 12:00:29 PM
No problem. Look forward to it.
Posted by: Chris Short | Sep 29, 2004 5:34:27 PM