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September 26, 2004
Hurricane Jeanne - Jalmond drink
Hurricane Jeanne has been giving Florida a nice little "howdy" today. Here in Tampa, however, we were again spared the worst of it. All we've really see is some tropical storm winds - no winds over 60 mph (it's not really a hurricane unless it hits at least 74mph). The oak tree in this pic is normally vertical, so you can see it's getting a bit of a breeze. Several hours later...Well we lost power a number of times and cable access was gone and the phone line was dead, so I couldn't even post via dialup...how primitive! (We are such a ridiculously spoiled lot!).
OK, so what does one do during a hurricane or tropical storm? For the Littons, one of the first things is to brew some espresso before the power goes out (Shirley did that early this morning; the power's been going off and on all day). The next thing is to experiment with the emergency supplies in the liquor cabinet. This pic shows Shirley and I enjoying what I am calling a "Jalmond" - a drink comprised of coffee, milk, rum, and almond liqueur. I decided on this name because it starts with the "Ja" of "java", which is of course both a slang term for coffee and a fun programming language. "Jalmond" sounds sort of like "Jammin'" - a great reggae tune from Bob Marley, and so gives a nice Jamaican sound to the name ...and ties in nicely with the dark rum. And "almond" for the amaretto (almond liqueur). The recipe is:
- 1/4 cup latte (espresso and steamed milk)
- 1/2 ounce dark rum
- 1 ounce almond liqueur (we like Disaronno)
September 26, 2004 in Drink Recipes | Permalink
Glad to hear that you continue to weather the storm, I've been wondering how you were doing. Your Jalmond sounds yummy, I may have to give that one a try!
Posted by: Cheryle | Sep 27, 2004 7:56:16 PM