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September 04, 2006

Strawberry Daiquiri

Strawberry Daiquiri

Continuing our selfless quest to refine and perfect recipes for tropical libations, we experimented a bit this weekend with Strawberry Daiquiris. I typically am more a fan of drinks on the rocks, rather than blended. But this turned out pretty nice :)

After a few modifications last night and this afternoon, here's our recipe for a frozen Strawberry Daiquiri:

  • 1 1/2 shots rum (or round it up to 2 ;-) ...we've tried dark and light rum and like them both
  • 8 big strawberries
  • 1/2 shot sugar syrup (to make sugar syrup, just heat equal parts sugar and water until the sugar is dissolved ...we always keep a couple of cups of sugar syrup in the fridge)
  • juice of 1/4 lime (or 1/2 lime if it's a little one)
  • 6 ice cubes

Toss it all in a blender and let 'er rip. When it's turned to slush (or the blender can't spin anymore), then it's time to pour / spoon the strawberry rummy goodness into a glass, add a fat straw or two, maybe a mint sprig for garnish, and enjoy.

September 4, 2006 in Drink Recipes | Permalink
