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September 29, 2008

Welcome to guest blogger Aaron

Mr. Aaron Butts, a fellow liberal whom I've known for a couple of years or so, has graciously accepted an invitation to author some blog posts here. Aaron and 10 or 12 others and Shirley and I typically gather weekly to enjoy a beer and discuss the many goings-on in our region and in the world. I've talked with Aaron before about perhaps using a blog to share some of his thoughts; I'm elated that he's taking me up on the offer.

Later today or tonight I'll see about modifying the design of the blog to include listing the author name. That was never a concern when it was just me posting :) ...Just for the record, Aaron and I are both liberals, and we each think for ourselves. We agree on many things, and I'm sure that there are some things on which we disagree. And that hopefully fosters more discussion.

- Joe

September 29, 2008 in Misc | Permalink


Thanks for the welcome! I was somewhat befuddled that it didn't denote a username when I attempted to post the entry, but that was partially why I included the addendum at the bottom of the page, so people would know that it was me, not you, in case I happened to say anything inflammatory. Haha. See you Thursday guys!

Posted by: Aaron | Sep 29, 2008 2:25:04 PM