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January 04, 2009
How to replace a section of screen on a pool enclosure
We bought the supplies at Lowe's: a 25 foot roll of screen material, a Pool Screen Tool (spline roller), and a package of spline. The screen material comes in different sizes, different color shades, and with different size openings. It's therefore helpful to snip a little piece of screen from the existing enclosure and bring it along to the store. I'm sure someone who does this for a living would have a section of screen replaced in about 15 minutes; it took me about an hour :) |
January 4, 2009 in Florida, House | Permalink
I can't tell you how valuable this tutorial has been for me.
Waterlogged in Vancouver! :)
Posted by: MadMarine | Jan 10, 2009 9:07:38 PM
Thank you for posting this has been very helpful to me.
Posted by: Don Kruse | Jul 10, 2009 8:04:43 AM
Thx for the pictures...
Posted by: Ryan | Oct 4, 2009 12:46:51 PM
This is so easy to follow and can't thank you enough for posting it. Just used it to replace 7 large screen panels, and after some swearing on the first learning to use the screen tool the others went up fine following your instructions and cost 80 bucks a panel instead of 500 plus from the screen repair company
Posted by: Simon Jones | Sep 28, 2011 9:48:40 AM