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July 23, 2011

W00T! Down 10lbs since starting WW 2 mos ago...

We started WeightWatchers online 2 months ago. My starting weight on 21May was 152.0 ...and weight today (23Jul) is 141.8. So I've hit the 10 pound mark. I'm guessing I've got at least 5 - maybe 10 pounds - of fat to dump yet. Then some muscle to add on.

Today marks the end of week 5 of the Insanity workout. This was a "recovery" week after the first 4 weeks of pounding the body. But the workouts were still semi-crazy. My butt was sore the first few days this week from all the squats, jumps, etc. Some rest week! ...I'm a little nervous about this next week. This will be the push into the final 4 weeks of Insanity, and the workouts get more intense. THEN there's a week of "lighter" workouts before starting the 30-day Asylum routine ...and then another 90-day round of P90X to add more strength/muscle.

This damn fat is gonna leave if it kills me! Oh, and God bless coffee :)

Posted by Joe Litton | July 23, 2011 in Fitness | Permalink | Comments (0)

July 16, 2011

Beachbody INSANITY workout: Month 1 done...

Week 4 of Insanity is done. Halfway through the program, and the results are coming.

Day 1: weight 147 lbs, waist 35 inches, bodyfat 20%
Today: weight 142 lbs, waist 33 inches, bodyfat 17.9%

The workouts are intense. Maybe someday I'll get through one without taking extra breaks :) ...I absolutely recommend that anyone doing these workouts use a heart monitor every time (the one I use is the Timex T5H881 -- about $60 and tracks heart rate, calories burned, etc. Determine your max heart rate using simple tests described on pages 12-14 of this PDF from Timex).

And now (*gulp*) ...I'd told myself that after a month of Insanity, I'd order the Asylum workout. OK, just ordered it...done. So after Insanity is done, next up will be the 30-day Asylum program. Then I'll probably do another cycle of the 90-day P90X (did P90X for a year before Insanity), and by then P90X2 should be available (coming late this year). As FSM is my witness, I will get in the best shape of my life!

Posted by Joe Litton | July 16, 2011 in Fitness | Permalink | Comments (0)

July 04, 2011

Beachbody INSANITY workout: Day 15 Fit Test

I've survived the first 2 weeks of the 60-day Beachbody Insanity program. Today was the 15-day Fit Test, and I'm pleased to see the improvement in strength and cardio fitness! Dang, this program works ya! I've lost 3.6 pounds since starting the program and can tell that I'm getting more fit, since I don't have to take as many extra breaks during the workouts (these are truly insane workouts!), and the caloric burn of the workouts is decreasing.

Here's the results from today's 15-day Fit Test, showing improvement from Day 1:


On my way to getting in the Best Shape of My Life ...NO EXCUSES!

Posted by Joe Litton | July 4, 2011 in Fitness | Permalink | Comments (0)

July 02, 2011

Down 2.6 lbs this week. Secret? Eat less / exercise more

I've been on vacation this week, so I'm doing Insanity workouts in the morning and then a treadmill 5k in the evenings. Except for Wednesday, when I got up at 5am to do Insanity and then spent all day volunteering at Metroploitan Ministries in Tampa...OMG, 8am-5pm, first task had us unloading a pallet of 50-lb sacks of onions, then it was boxes of canned corn, various other tasks ....I was beat when I got home. Slept 10 hours that night! So I figured I'd burned enough calories to skip a second workout.

Today was weigh-in day, and the results week by week are now:
152.0 .. 150.2 .. 149.6 .. 148.6 .. 146.6 .. 145.0 .. 142.4

WeightWatchers online says I've now dumped 5% of my bodyweight. Cool. I can tell the fat is leaving. Monday will be the Insanity "Fit Test". This was done on day 1, and is done on day 15 and every 2 weeks during the 60-day program (for now on those days, Insanity only calls for the Fit Test; later in the workout the Fit Test is followed by a standard Insanity workout).

So it's been 6 weeks on WW, and I'm down 9.6. That's just over 1.5 pounds per week. Since I'm off this next week as well, I plan to again do doubles - Insanity in the morning and treadmill 5k in the evening. Should be in the 130's in a week or two, and I've not been there in 30 years :)

Posted by Joe Litton | July 2, 2011 in Fitness | Permalink | Comments (0)