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December 11, 2011
P90X2: Day 2: Plyocide
"Plyocide" << best.name.ever :)
55 mins, 566 calories. Just as with the "X2 Core" day 1 workout, I can see where Insanity / Asylum graduates will recognize bits of some moves and will probably have a little easier time of it. The last 12 minutes of this workout is stretching with band (or towel), some yoga, etc (also in the warmup). I LIKE this inclusion of more/better stretching - partly because I probably wouldn't do it on my own! The stretching is something of which I'd never heard (but like quite a bit after this first try): Neuro-Integrated Stretching.
Equipment: Balance ball (already have). Substituted 8 & 12 lb dumbbell for some medicine ball stuff and used a towel for one of the exercises. Man, I *do* want to get a RumbleRoller /foam roller thing. For the jump box, I used one (shown in pic) that I built a while back (been trying to get to where I can do the Spartan 300 http://thecomplete300workout.com/) ...this is a 24" jump box and cost less than half to build (about $40 materials) vs buy.
My unofficial worksheet: P90X2 Plyocide.pdf (353.9K)
December 11, 2011 in Fitness, P90X2 | Permalink
Liked this inclusion of more/better stretching partly because I probably wouldn't do it on my own!
Posted by: Silverlight Application Development UK | Dec 29, 2011 6:39:20 AM
The stretching is something of which I'd never heard (but like quite a bit after this first try): Neuro-Integrated Stretching.
Posted by: Addiswilkin | Feb 13, 2012 3:29:30 AM