March 30, 2005
My living will ...and please don't bury me!
There's been a lot of press for some time about the Terri
Schiavo case. With that in mind, and not wanting to be kept alive by
artificial means if my brain has already gone bye-bye, I have printed
and signed a fresh living will. I signed it today in the presence of my
son, Ben, and my friend John Vaughan, who each then signed the document
as well. I've scanned it, saved it as a PDF, and emailed to my wife,
son, dad, and siblings. The version I've included in the image here is
the scanned document, but with signatures and contact info blurred out.
I downloaded the template for this living will from a Florida Bar web page.
And just for the record, once I'm done with my body, I would prefer
that folks listen to the John Prine song, "Please Don't Bury Me" (lyrics)
...and follow that sentiment with me. I'd prefer to be parted out to
those who could use my abused remnants. Then take what's left of my
corpse and give it to a medical school (if there are any desperate
enough to take it) ...or have a bonfire and toast my @$$. Just please
don't ever waste money and land by sticking my shell in a box in the
Posted by Joe Litton | March 30, 2005 in Living Will | Permalink | Comments (1)